Acti9, Miniature circuit breaker (MCB), C60H-DC, 1P, 40A, C curve, 6kA (IEC/EN 60947-2)

Home ProductsCircuit ProtectionActi 9Miniature circuit breaker (MCB)

Acti9, Miniature circuit breaker (MCB), C60H-DC, 1P, 40A, C curve, 6kA (IEC/EN 60947-2)

Item Number: A9N61517



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Can A9N61512 iC60H DC breaker be fed from top

No, the breaker is Polarized and can only be Fed from Bottom
It will be the same for all iC0H DC single pole breakers:
C60H-DC Rating (In) Reference C curve 1P
1A A9N61501
2A A9N61502
4A A9N61504
6A A9N61506
10A A9N61508  
16A A9N61511
20A A9N61512
25A A9N61513
32A A9N61515
40A A9N61517
50A A9N61518
63A A9N61519