What are the wiring and parameter settings on ATV212 drive for speed reference and run command via terminals?


17 March 2022

ATV212 control terminals are given below. 

ATV212 control terminals

Wire the drive in 2 wire control, as per the wiring diagram given in quick start guide for command and speed reference. 
Refer to quick start guide page 2 : https://www.se.com/ww/en/download/document/S1A53825/

ATV212 command and speed wiring

Refer to page 87 of the programming manual : https://www.se.com/au/en/download/document/S1A53838/

Fn0d - frequency mode selection , select 1 (VIA)
Cn0d - command mode selection , select 0 (control terminal logic inputs)
Please see the video link that explains in detail : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmcla4z86B0