How to set a timeout page on 5500NAC/SHAC Using javascript?


07 December 2021

In NAC/SHAC > Scripting > edit custom JavaScripting

Copy and paste the code below

Modify adjust the timer value to your need (i.e 20000 = 20 sec)

Set the Current plantID to the page that you want it to time out too. For example high light in yellow showed on image below.

$(function() {


 // Back to Start after x seconds (in miliseconds)

 var SE_Timeout = 20000; // adjust this timer value if needed (20 seconds in miliseconds)

 var SE_Startpage = currentPlanId; // First page that is loaded

 var eventlist = 'vclick vmousedown vmouseout touchend';


 // Timer function no usage detected

 function No_Usage_Detected(callback, timeout, _this) {

  var timer;

  return function(e) {

    var _that = this;

    if (timer)


    timer = setTimeout(function() { || _that, e);

    }, timeout);






 // Back to start function when timer elapsed

  var SE_Goto_Startpage = No_Usage_Detected(function(e) {

  if ( currentPlanId != SE_Startpage ) {



 }, SE_Timeout);


 // Add event listener to document to detect user input


 .on(eventlist, function() {




 // Add event listener to all iframes to detect user input inside iframes

 $('iframe').load(function() {

  var iframe = $('iframe').contents().find('html');

  iframe.on(eventlist, function(event) {







