Standard Series, Automatic Single Socket Outlet, 250VAC, 10A, 1 Pole

Standard Series, Automatic Single Socket Outlet, 250VAC, 10A, 1 Pole White Electric

Item Number: 10-WE



Qty UoM EAN Colour

Frequently Asked Questions

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Where is the 0-10vdc signal landed on the ATV32, ATV312, ATV61 and ATV71 drives?

Wiring 0-10V DC Signal in the ATV32, ATV312, ATV61 and ATV71 drives?

Product Line
ATV61,  ATV71,  ATV31,  ATV312,  ATV32

All serial numbers Open style VFDs

Needs to wire in a  0-10vdc signal for speed control.

On the ATV32, ATV61 and ATV71 drives, you can wire the 0 to 10vdc signal to AI1+ to com as reference speed 1, and you can program AI2 in menu the IO menu to set up AI2 as a 0 to 10vdc speed reference 2.
Please note that there is a factory installed jumper between AI- and com that allows this input to work with a 0 to10vdc input.  If you remove the jumper, then it becomes an -10vdc to +10vdc input.

On the ATV312, the 0-10vdc signal is landed on AI1 only.


Where can I find programming assistance for setting up Ethernet TCP/IP on the ATV61 and ATV71 drives?

Setting up Ethernet TCP/IP on the ATV61 and ATV71 drives.

Product Line:
Altivar ATV61 and ATV71


Ethernet TCPIP manual VW3A3310D

You can find ethernet configuration assistance in the ATV61/71 Ethernet TCPIP manual 30072-452-37

How do you set up the VW3A1101 keypad so that you can use the keypad to program the drive?

VW3A1101 keypad set up to program the drive

Product Line:
Altivar 61, 71, 312, 212


VW3A1101 usage with drives.

You will need to set up the access level to advanced in the Main Menu.  This will give you access to most of the drives set up parameter settings in the HMI.
For assistance see the complete drives ATV61 programming manual.

Is it possible to use ATS480 / ATS48 output side with step up transformer for 1000Vac Motor ( stepping up from 415V to 1000V ) ?

It is not recommended to use step-up transformer on ATS48/ATS480 output.

Instead of ATS, the suggestion is to use VSD + Sinus filter + step up transformer combination for this requirement.

The dv/dt output voltage of the ATS48/ATS480 will be the cause of current and voltage oscillations and overvoltages.

Thyristors can burn in overvoltage and the insulation of the motor has to be high enough.

The magnetic saturation of the transformer will cause overcurrents which will damage the thyristors.

In case of micro cut of the main supply, overcurrent will appear.


When using the Read_DDT function block for the BMENUA0100 module, which variables of the block should have not have the Exchange on STBY attribute ticked?

If the BMENUA0100 is used in an M580 hot standby system, ensure that the Exchange on STBY attribute is unticked for the GEST and RECP_DDT variables.

Data editor
This will allow the Read_DDT function block (asynchronous communication EFB) to automatically resume operation after a switchover.

How far can you remote mount the remote HMI or VW3A1101 keypad?

Max. distance that the VW3A1101 can be mounted?

Product Line:
Altivar ATV61 and ATV71 with a VW3A1102 remote mounting kit.



We offer remote cable options up to 10 meters in length.  
Please keep in mind we cannot recommend that the HMI will work with any cable above 10 meters.  

We offer 4 cable options:
1 meter    VW3A1104R10
3 meter    VW3A1104R30
5 meter    VW3A1104R50
10 meter  VW3A1104R100

If you want to try running a longer cable, you can try using a standard CAT 5 type cable to connect between the remote HMI and the Drive. Some OEMs have ran cables up to 200 feet however they had to add an external power supply to compensate the long cable length ( See the attachment for OEM example of 200 ft cable run). We cannot recommend doing this, but we've been informed that it has been done.

How should the instance name be configured for each PMEPXM0100 in a hot standby setup with an M580 PLC?

In the Control Expert DTM configuration, two PXM0100s need to be defined for a HSBY system. So each should have an instance name. M58A_{slot}_PXM0100 for local rack A and M58B_{slot}_PXM0100 for local rack B. In Prosoft Configurator, there needs to be only one definition of a PXM0100 HSBY master. The instance name for this should be M580_{slot}_PXM0100. The configuration can be downloaded to both PXM0100s.

Which Ethernet modules or PLCs is the TCSEGPA23F14F PRM master compatible with?

The TCSEGPA23F14F can be used with the M580 CPU and NOC modules as well as the NOE module for the M340 CPU. For the Premium PLC, it can be used with an ETY module or embedded CPU port. Note, it cannot be used with a TSXETC101.

Can you use the VW3A1101 keypad on the ATV12 drives?

Wants to use the VW3A1101 keypad on the ATV12 drives.

Product Line:
Altivar ATV12


Customer wanted to know if he can use the VW3A1101 keypad on the ATV12 drive.

The VW3A1101 keypad will not work on the ATV12 drive.  You will need to use the VW3A1006 or VW3A1007 keypad display.

What can cause the ATV61/ ATV71 HMI display to show connection in progress?

ATV61/ ATV71 HMI display shows connection in progress.

Product Line:
Altivar 61
Altivar 71

All models and serial numbers

Altivar 61/71 display shows "Connection in progress".
This message is displayed when the control board cannot communicate to the keypad.

This issue can result from incorrect ModBus settings for the port that the HMI keypad is connected to.
If possible, use SoMove or the integral LED display to check the port settings.

In the Communication Menu, make sure the Baud rate is set to 19200 baud and the Format is set to 8E1 for the port that the keypad is connected to.
If it is plugged into the RJ45 port on the front of the drive, the settings are under the Communication Menu /  ModBus HMI submenu (tbr2= HMI baud rate).
If it is plugged into the ModBus/CANopen port on the Control Terminal Board, the settings are under the Communications Menu /  ModBus Network submenu (tbr= Modbus baud rate).
See the attached file and the ATV61 Programming Manual for further details on these parameters. 
  1. If the keypad is remote mounted, try plugging the cable into the unused port.  If the keypad connects, then the port settings listed above need to be checked.
  2. If it still doesn't connect, try plugging the HMI directly on the drive.  If it connects, either the remote mount cable or the mounting kit have problems and may need to be replaced.
  3. If it still doesn't connect, try swapping keypads with a known good one (to determine if the issue is in the keypad (VW3A1101) or not.
  4. If a known good keypad does not work when connected to the HMI ModBus port directly on the drive AND the ModBus HMI port parameters have been checked as described above, then replace the control board.

Video: How do I set a PowerPact or Masterpact circuit breaker with a Micrologic trip unit to a different specified amperage?

How to adjust PowerPact P or R or Masterpact circuit breakers with Micrologic trip units to a different Amp rating?

Product Line:
PowerPact P, PowerPact R, Masterpact NW, Masterpact NT

The attached spreadsheet gives you the sensor plug and Long Time (rating plug) settings that will set the breaker to any amperage within its range. 
Note that many amp settings can be attained with more than one rating plug and sensor combination.

Sensor plugs can be changed to a lower amperage in some cases; they cannot be increased from the original size, but they can be reduced as much as 50%.
It is not possible to put a 100A or 250A sensor in a 400A or larger breaker.  400A and larger breakers cannot accept 100A or 250A sensors.
See circuit breaker section of the digest for a chart showing possible sensor plugs for breakers 3200A and under.
Sensor Plug Replacement Guide attached includes references for amperages above 3200A.


What is the replacement main control board part number for ATV61 drives?

What to do when Citect Deployment Client Service fails to start with Error 1064

Citect Deployment Client Service fails to start : Error 1064 - An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request

CITECT 2018 R2
OS - Windows Server 2016/2019, Windows 10

When configuring Deployment Client in the Configurator, an error occurs as “Deployment Client registration was unsuccessful”, even though the following settings are in place-
  • SMS is configured correctly on client machine
  • Port 443 is in the exception list and/or firewall is disabled
  • User credentials are correct & have been added in the appropriate deployment user group.

During this it can be observed that Citect Deployment Client Service is stopped and on starting manually it throws Error 1064 and fails to start.

When configuring Deployment Client in the Configurator the username needs to be entered as domainname\username.

How to stabilize the Altivar 0-10v analog input signal on VFD?

The 0-10v analog input is not stable on Altivar 12.

Product Line:
Altvar 12, Altivar 312, Altivar 61, Altivar 71

All models, all serial numbers.  This affect is normally experienced when using the voltage type analog input.

These drives have floating power supplies.  Therefore, instability of the signal can occur if conducted or radiated noise is coupled to the wires connected to the analog input. 

One resolution for all of these drives is to connect the common terminal (COM) to chassis ground.  For ATV61 and ATV71 drives if connecting the common to chassis ground does not eliminate the problem set the AI1 filter (AIIF) parameter.  This setting can be adjusted between 0 and 10 seconds. 

6610VT1 Wiggy Voltage Tester Leads

Replacement leads for a 6610VT1 Wiggy voltage tester? 

Product Line:
Obsolete voltage testers formerly sold by Square D Company.

Products sold in North America

The 6610VT1 voltage test and all related accessories are now obsolete with no replacement. Consider another manufacturer of similar devices.  

Will the VW3G48101 keypad kit for the ATS48 series soft starts work with the ATS46 series soft starts?

Can I use the VW3G48101 keypad kit of the ATS48 to connect to the ATS46?

Product Line:
VW3G48101 remote mount keypad kit for use with the ATS48 series starters.

All models, All serial numbers.

Customer has ATS46 soft starters and needs a remote mount keypad kit.  The kit designed for the ATS46 is obsolete and no longer available.

No.  The VW3G48101 remote mount keypad kit is compatible with ATS48 series soft starters only.  It will not work with the ATS46 series soft starters.

When was the LH4N soft start line made obsolete?

Customer wants to know when the LH4N soft starts became obsolete

Product line:

All models


The LH4N became obsolete in January 2005.  The current replacement product for form, fit and function is the ATS01 soft start series.  Customers should still review the product ratings and dimensions before ordering. 
The Installation Manuals for the LH4N and the ATS01 are attached. 

What is the part number for the ATV61 or ATV71 keypad?

Is there a part number for the ATV61 and ATV71 keypad?

Product Line:
Altivar ATV61 ATV71


Need a replacement keypad


Keypad image

Video: Does the ATV312 drive come with a remote keypad?

Is a remote keypad come with the ATV312 drive as standard?

Product Line:

All models and serial numbers


The ATV312 drive does not come with a remote keypad as a standard item.  It must be ordered separately. 
Remote Keypad Display
(IP54) ATV312, ATV12 VW3A1006
(IP65) ATV312, ATV12 VW3A1007
Mounting Kit, VW3A31101
Graphic Display  (used also with ATV61 and ATV71)  VW3A1101

Can an ATV212 drive's programming be saved to the HMI keypad (VW3A1101)?

Can I store the ATV212 program in the HMI VW3A1101?

Product Line:
Altivar ATV212

All model numbers, all serial numbers


No, the ATV212's programming cannot be saved to any of the keypads available.  

Programming can be saved by any of three methods:
- in the drive by setting parameter tYP = 7
- in the Multiloader tool
- by using SoMove software

Video: What causes an HMI COM FAULT on an ATV61 or ATV71 series drive?

What are some possible causes of SLF3 or HMI COM Fault on an ATV61 or ATV71 AC Drive.

Product Line:
ATV61 / ATV71 series drives

Where the HMI keypad is being used to control the start/stop of the drive and/or the speed reference: All models, All serial numbers.

Customer unable to find the answer in existing literature

HMI Com fault is caused when the HMI loses communication with the drive.   The HMI module of the ATV61/ATV71 series drives establishes a Modbus RTU connection at power up with the HMI being the Modbus Server.  This connection is separate from the Modbus/Canopen channel and is isolated.  This fault can only occur when the drive is configured to receive the start/stop control and/or the speed reference from the keypad.  

When this fault occurs, the most common causes are: 
- Someone accidently disconnected the cable from the drive or back of the HMI
- Enclosure Door was opened and connection to the back of the HMI Mount is loose or was disconnected.
- Check +10v to COM on the Control Terminals on the drive to ensure that nothing is pulling that down, particularly if the HMI remotely mounted more than 100ft from the drive.
- A failure of the HMI itself (part# VW3A1101)
- If the keypad is mounted remotely, the cable connecting it to the drive has failed. (VW3A1104RXX where XX = 10 for 1 meter cable, 30 for 3 meter, 50 for 5 meter or 100 for 10 meter)

What parts are needed for remote mounting the ATV61/71 VW3A1101 keypad?

Part number required for remote mounting the ATV61/71 with the VW3A1101 keypad.

Product Line:
VW3A1101 keypad for ATV61 ATV71 drives




The mounting kit, including bezel and hardware is VW3A1102

The Modbus cables to connect the keypad to the control basket of the drive are:
1 Meter -      VW3A1104R10                        
3 Meters -    VW3A1104R30
5 Meters -    VW3A1104R50
10 Meters -  VW3A1104R100

The clear plastic door (IP 65 rating) to cover the keypad when not in use is VW3A1103

Installation Image


What is the replacement for the VZ3G1101?

What is the replacement for the VZ3G1101 thermal sensor

Product Line:
VZ3G1101, ATV61 drives

All serial numbers for VZ3G1101

This part number is for a thermal sensor. Product is obsolete with no replacement.   

Can an Altivar drives be mounted horizontally?

Wants to mount his Altivar Drive horizontally.

Product Line:
Altivar Drive

All serial numbers for Altivar Drive


No the Altivar Drives cannot be mounted horizontally. The drives should be installed vertically at ± 10°.
Please refer to you drives installation manual for proper mounting conditions.

Can you use the VW3A1101 keypad with the ATS48 soft starters?

VW3A1101 keypad compatibility with the ATS48 soft starters.

Product Line:
Altistart ATS48


Needs to run a 50ft cable run using the VW3A1101 keypad and cat 5 cable to the ATS48 soft starter.

The VW3A1101 keypad is not compatible with the ATS48 soft starter.   The correct remote keypad part number for the ATS48 is VW3G48101.  The standard cable is 3 meters long.  We do not have any test data to support that you can run this cable with a repeater to get a longer cable run out of it.   You will have to test to see if the remote cable can mounted longer than 3 meters.


Why can't I order a VX4A61200Y terminal card?

Not able to order VX4A61200Y terminal card

Product Line


VX4A61200Y is the control terminal card but it's only available as a package with the Main Control Board. 

You would have to order VX4A61100Y (for under 125hp) or for higher hp drives VX4A61101Y (over 125hp)


Is there a nonmetallic circuit breaker enclosure available for the molded case circuit breakers?

Is there a nonmetallic (ie. fiberglass, etc) breaker enclosure for MCCBs?

Product Line:
Circuit Breaker Enclosure

There are no circuit breaker enclosures available for molded case circuit breakers that are manufactured from a nonmetallic material. Only metal type enclosures are available.

Will the Compact NSX breaker be for sale in the USA or Canada?

Where can I buy a Compact NSX breaker?

Product Line:
Circuit Breakers

There are no plans for a general release of the Compact NSX breaker line in North America, since the NSX is not UL Listed to UL489 (UL 489 is the standard commonly required in the US). In the US, the PowerPacT circuit breakers should be used (PowerPacT breakers are UL, CSA, and IEC rated).

For support on these breakers, Please see the following link to Global Operations where you can select other countries:

Will the LAD** time delay auxiliary contact module fit the D2 series pre-Tesys contactors?

Can new accessories be used on older style contactors

Product Line:
IEC contactors and starters

Pre-Tesys Contactors

Identifying product compatibility

Yes, all front mount D2 and Tesys series auxiliary modules are backward forward compatible.

Is the LAD7B10 a UL and CSA Recognized Component?

Is the LAD7B10  UL and CSA recognized?

Product Line:
IEC Overload Mounting Kit

IEC Contactors

Clarify CSA and UL listing for IEC components

As of 6/30/2016 this device has been UL component recognized. This device has not been CSA recognized

Will an FAL or FHL breaker that has an electrical accessory such as shunt trip, undervoltage trip, auxiliary switch, or alarm switch fit into a standard FA enclosure?

Need to know if my FAL breaker will install in an enclosure with an accessory installed in it.  

Product line:  
Molded case circuit breakers

Yes. These accessories are internal to the breaker frame and require no extra enclosure room.  

Can GVAE1, GVAE11 or GVAE20 be used with GV3 starters?

Are the front mount auxiliary contacts GVAE1, GVEA11 and GVAE20 be used for GV3M devices?
Product Line:

Tesys GV Manual Starter and Protectors

TeSys GV, GVA, GV2, GV3P

These auxiliary contacts can only be used with the rotary handled GV3P devices. They cannot be applied with the pushbutton GV3M devices.

What is the IFE Module (LV434001)?

Product Line:
Smart Systems

The interface ethernet (IFE) module allows you to view and streamline data from your low voltage electrical equipment assets and allows the display of status and energy data and alarm notification from each circuit breaker via TCP/ IP connectivity. The embedded web pages within the IFE module allow this data to be viewed on a web browser with a simple ethernet connection. Optional breaker on/off control is available through the web interface (with the appropriate accessories in the breaker).
  • The IFE uses ULP (Universal Logic Plug data protocol) data directly from Micrologic trip units and converts the data to Modbus TCP/IP.

What different keys are available for 9001KS selector switches?

Different key types for 9001KS selector switches.

Product Line:
Push Buttons and Operator Interface

Harmony Pushbuttons

Key options are E11-E13, E16, E21-E26, E28-E33, E36-E60, CH501, CH674, SR251,T107 and R (Ronis Key 455).

​What is the difference between the IFE (LV434001) and IFE Gateway (LV434002)?

Distinguish between IFE switchboard server and IFE ethernet interface

Product Line:
Smart Systems

The IFE and the IFE Gateway appear very similar (see picture below), but there is a difference.
  • The IFE (cat. no. LV434001) is the Ethernet interface for Powerpact and Masterpact circuit breakers.  Previous cat. no. was LV434010.
  • The IFE Gateway (cat. no. LV434002) is the Ethernet interface for Powerpact and Masterpact LV circuit breakers, plus a gateway for Modbus-SL (serial line) connected devices. Note that the IFE Gateway is also referred to as IFE Modbus, or IFE Server. Previous cat. no. was LV434011.

IFE and IFE-Gateway

Video: What auxiliary contact modules are available for the LC1D and LC2D contactors?

Auxiliary contact modules for the LC1D and LC2D contactors

Product Line: 
Contactor and Starters - IEC

North American Products

Select based on application requirements. Please note that the TeSys and Pre-TeSys auxiliary blocks are backward/forward compatible.
Front Mounting; maximum of 1 block per contactor:

N.O.-------N.C.-----TeSys P/N--------Pre-TeSys P/N
--1-----------1---------LADN11G---------LA1DN11G (See Footnote 1)
--1-----------1---------LADN11P---------LA1DN11P (See Footnote 1)
--2-----------0---------LA1DX20---------LA1DX20 (See Footnote 2)
--2-----------0---------LA1DY20---------LA1DY20 (See Footnote 3)
--2-----------2---------LADN22G---------LA1DN22G (See Footnote 1)
--2-----------2---------LADN22P---------LA1DN22P (See Footnote 1)
--2-----------2---------LADC22------------LA1DC22 (See Footnote 4)
--3-----------1---------LA1DZ31----------LA1DZ31 (See Footnote 5)
--4-----------0---------LA1DZ40-----------LA1DZ40 (See Footnote 6)

Front Mounting; maximum of 1 block per contactor: For use with D2 Series 25 amp through 80 amp contactors and TeSys Series 40 amp through 80 amp only.

N.O.-------N.C.-----TeSys P/N--------Pre-TeSys P/N

Side Mounting; maximum of 1 block on each side for D2 Series and Tesys Series 40 through 80 amp contactors. Tesys 9 through 32, 115, and 150 amps contactors will accept 1 block and is limited to left side only. (*) DC control devices will not accept side mount auxiliaries.
(*) DC control exceptions that will accept one left side mounted auxiliary: LC1D115 & LC1D150.

N.O.-------N.C.-----TeSys P/N--------Pre-TeSys P/N

{1.EN_US} EN50 012 Machine Tool Terminal Markings
{2.EN_US} (2) NO Sealed Dust Tight Contacts
{3.EN_US} Gold Flash Contacts
{4.EN_US} (1) NO & (1) NC Standard and (1) NO & (1) NC Make Before Break
{5.EN_US} (2) NO Dust Tight Contacts & (1) NO & (1) NC Standard Contacts
{6.EN_US} (2) NO Dust Tight Contacts & (2) NO Standard Contacts

What type of overload comes with the GV2, GV3 and GV7 manual starter and protector?

GV Manual Motor Starter and Overloads' class

Product Line:
GV type Tesys  manual starters.

Tesys manual starters

Determination of overload type furnished with the Tesys GV manul motor starters.

The overloads supplied with the GV2, GV3 and GV7 manual starters are Class 10, ambient compensated bimetallic.  

How to locate Schneider Electric North America 8 Channel Low Voltage Relay SLC5108RELVP CBus documentation?

When searching for Schneider Electric North America 8 Channel Low Voltage Relay SLC5108RELVP CBus product documentation for a new or existing installation, assistance is available using online tools and local authorized distributors.

Note: As of March 1, 2015 all North America Lighting Control products (EXCEPT Powerlink and MVP panels) will enter their obsolescence phase and will no longer be purchasable for new orders. Management of the Prosumer Business has made a strategic decision to stop the Lighting Control initiative and concentrate our effort in new businesses with higher growth potential – Connected Home, Building Control in small buildings, and Electric Vehicle solutions.

Product Line:
Schneider Electric CBus 8 Channel Low Voltage Relay SLC5108RELVP

Schneider Electric CBus 8 Channel Low Voltage Relay SLC5108RELVP product sold in the United States

Selecting the correct CBus 8 Channel Low Voltage Relay SLC5108RELVP documentation for a new and existing installation involves many factors. Both online and phone assistance are available to help you.

For help when searching for CBus 8 Channel Low Voltage Relay SLC5108RELVP documentation, use the following links:

(1) Our Product web site, at this link.

(2) Our Online Digest, at this link, shows specific catalog numbers of many of our products.{%22issue_id%22:150046,%22page%22:14}

(2a) Our Lighting Control section of the Online Digest, at this link, shows specific catalog number of our Lighting Control products.{%22issue_id%22:150046,%22page%22:2}

(3) Further assistance is available from a local authorized Schneider Electric Distributor, using our Distributor Locator at the below link:

All the above tools may be found by visiting our US Home Page.

What is the difference between A9D32620 and A9D33620 RCBO Acti 9 devices?


A9D33620 = SI (Super Immunised)
A9D32620 = Type A (AC or pulsating DC)
Type A RCBO = Tripping is ensured for residual sinusoidal alternating currents and residual pulsating direct currents, whether suddenly applied or slowly rising.
Type Si RCBO = With all the features of a Type A device, “Si” type Super Immunised earth leakage protection range has been specially developed to be used with loads or in environments causing disturbances. Examples are lightning or switching surges, harmonics generated by increasing number of loads and constant load leakage current from electronic ballasts, speed drives, computers, etc. The Si increases safety and allows improved continuity of supply.

Is CMS 1000 Compatible with Windows 7 or Windows 8?

Is CMS 1000 Powerlink AS software compatible with Windows 7 or 8 operation systems?

Product Line:
Powerlink AS

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

CMS1000 is an obsolete product and is not supported on Windows 7, 8,10

Run Windows XP mode in Windows 7 or Windows 8

Are any repair parts available for the Wiggy voltage testers?

Product Design Features

Product Line:
Voltage testers that were sold and supported in the USA.

The Wiggy voltage testers and all related accessories are obsolete with no replacement. Consider another manufacturer, such as Fluke, for a similar product. 

What size is the conduit entry in the 9001BR enclosures?

Need to know the size of the conduit entry in the 9001BR enclosures?

Product Line:
Push Buttons and Operators Interface

Class 9001 Type BR Control stations

1/2-14 NPT Pipe tap in bottom only.

Do I need the VW3A1105, RJ45 female to female adapter if I order a remote mount kit VW3A1102?

Remote mounting kit VW3A1102 specifications

Product Line:
ATV61, ATV71, ATV212, ATV32, ATV312

Any drive that uses the VW3A1101 keypad


VW3A1105 RJ-45 female—female adaptor is used to connect the LCD Graphic keypad and cable. It is not required if using VW3A1102.

Can the Altivar ATV312 Drives do single phase 110 VAC input?

ATV312 single phase 110 VAC input

Product Line:
ATV312 Drives

All serial numbers for ATV312 Drives


No it cannot. The drive can only do 208/230 VAC single-phase on the single phase input rated drives that have the M2 suffix..

How is the ATV312 programmed to be controlled via the VW3A1007 remote keypad?

Control via the VW3A1007 remote keypad on ATV312.

Product Line:
ATV31 / ATV312

All models, All serial numbers

Information not available in current literature.

From RDY, navigate to the CTL menu
Set parameter LAC to L3
Set parameter CHCF to SEP
Set parameter FR1 to LCC
Set parameter CD1 to LCC
Cycle power to the drive.
When you first power the drive, before issuing a run command, press enter three times to navigate to the HMI frequency reference menu.  From here you will be able to adjust the speed of the drive up and down using the arrow buttons on the remote keypad.

How is the comms address set on a Micrologic ammeter or energy trip unit for H, J, and L frame breakers?

How to set the comms address on a Micrologic ammeter or  energy trip unit?

Product Line:
Micrologic  5.2A, 5.2E, 5.3A, 5.3E, 6.2A, 6.2E, 6.3A, 6.3E trip units

The comms address is set on the Modbus ommunication interface module (IFM) with blue dials. The IFM is external from the breaker and is mounted on a DIN rail.
This module, required for connection to the network, contains the Modbus address (1 to 99) declared by the user using the two rotary switches on the front. It automatically adapts (baud rate, parity) to the Modbus network in which it is installed. It is equipped with a lockout switch to enable or disable operations involving writing to Micrologic trip unit, (such as reset, counter reset, setting modifications, and device opening and closing commands). There is a built-in test function to check the connections of the Modbus communication interface module with the Micrologic trip unit and front display module.

What analog input is designed for a bipolar -10v to +10v input on the ATV32 drives?

Analog Input designed for a bipolar -10v to +10v input on the ATV32 drives

Product Line:
Altivar ATV32


AI2 is default for -10v to +10v input.

Analog input AI2 is capable of the bipolar input and is factory set as such.  Check it by navigated through menus:
ConF - FULL - IO - AI2 - 
Parameter AI2t = n10U

 Bipolar analog input 0 ± 10 V (maximum voltage ± 30 V)

The + or - polarity of the voltage on AI2 affects the direction of the set point and therefore the direction of operation.

• Impedance 30 kÙ
• Resolution: 10 bits
• Precision ±0.5% in 50/60 Hz for 25 °C, ±0.2% in 50/60 Hz for –10 to +60 °C at Äè = 60°C,
• Linearity ± 0.2% (max. ± 0.5%), of max. value
• Sampling time 2 ms

What size speed potentiometer to use on the Schneider Electric VFDs?

Speed potentiometer size to use on Schneider Electric VFDs.
Product Line:
Altivar 61, Altivar 71, Altivar 312, Altivar 12, Altivar 212, Altivar 32, Altivar 58
All serial numbers
The Schneider Electric VFDs will work with any potentiometer with a rating from 1k Ohms to 10k Ohms.

Do the 9001 SKRU push button units for the 9001 SKYP pendant stations include the contacts?

Are the contacts included on the 9001SKRU pushbuttons when used on pendant stations 9001SKYP?

Product Line:
9001SKYP 30mm Pendant Station    
9001SKYP Push Button Units

To determine if contact blocks need to be ordered along with the order.

The dual push buttons 9001SKRU** all include the contact blocks.

Is the remote graphic keypad display, VW3A1101, compatible with the ATV312 drive?

Can you use VW3A1101 with ATV312 drive?

Product Line:

All models


Yes, the VW3A1101 keypad is compatible with the ATV312 drive.  The keypad must have minimum CPU V1.2IE09.

It is not direct connected to the drive.  At minimum, an adaptor and a cable are required:
VW3A1105 is a female-female adaptor between cable and keypad
VW3A1104R10 is a 1meter cable
VW3A1104R30 is a 3meter cable
VW3A1104R50 is a 5meter cable
VW3A1104R100 is a 10meter cable

An optional remote mount kit, VW3A1102, will include the VW3A1105 adaptor.
An optional door, VW3A1103, adds to the remote mount kit to increase IP54 rating to IP65.
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